Maps, Tables, and Figures

Measure Ground Control as a SSoT for Mission Planning, Flight Records, and Maintaince of UAS

Below are the figures from Lab #10: Measure Ground Control as a SSoT for Mission Planning, Flight Records, and Maintaince of UAS:

Figure 1: Starting Menu

Figure 2: Airspace Map

Figure 3: Weather

Figure 4: Rules & Advisory

Figure 5: Legend

Figure 6: Overview of Location

Figure 7: Rules & Advisory of Overview

Figure 8: Flight Authorization

Figure 9: Purdue Wildlife Area

Figure 10: Martell Forest

Figure 11: Purdue Wildlife Area - Rules & Advisories

Figure 12: Martell Forest - Rules & Advisories

Figure 13: Settings Menu

Figure 14: Fly Screen

Figure 15: Measure Ground Control Flight Settings

Figure 16: Different Flight Modes

Figure 17: Map View from Fly

Figure 18: Flight Plans

Figure 19: Grid Flight

Figure 20: Naming New Flight Plan

Figure 21: Airspace Map of Beverly D. Crone Restoration Area

Figure 22: Rules and Advisories of Beverly D. Crone Restoration Area 

Figure 23: Flight Location Address

Figure 24: Flight Area and Settings

Figure 25: Grid Moved

Figure 26: Area Adjusted

Figure 27: Altitude of 100 ft

Figure 28: Altitude of 200 ft

Figure 29: Altitude of 300 ft

Figure 30: 40% Overlap

Figure 31: 60% Overlap

Figure 32: 90% Overlap

Figure 33: Terrain Following

Figure 34: Terrain Following Flight Area

Figure 35: Advanced Options

Figure 36: Flight Saved

Figure 37: My Saved Plans

Using Arc Collector

Below are the figures from Lab #9: Using Arc Collector:

Figure 1: Create a Feature Layer

Figure 2: Create Points, Lines, and Polygons

Figure 3: Renamed Feature Layers

Figure 4: Parks_RV Layer Template

Figure 6: Fields Selected

Figure 7: Add Field

Figure 8: List of Amenities

Figure 9: Enable Attachments

Figure 10: Change Style

Figure 11: Symbols for Amenities

Figure 12: Beverly D. Crone Restoration Area

Figure 13: History of the Park

Figure 14: Adding Points

Figure 15: Sample Picture Added

Figure 16: Paths Recorded

Figure 17: Park Paths

Calculate Impervious Surfaces from Spectral Imagery

Below are the figures from Lab #8: Calculate Impervious Surfaces from Spectral Imagery:

Figure 1: Project Opened

Figure 2: Raster Functions Pane  

Figure 3: Bands Extracted

Figure 4: Image Classification Wizard

Figure 5: Parameters to Segment the Image

Figure 6: Preview_Segmented Layer

Figure 7: Add New Class

Figure 8: New Class - Impervious

Figure 9: New Class - Pervious

Figure 10: Gray Roofs Subclass Created

Figure 11: New Training Sample

Figure 12: More Training Samples Added

Figure 13: Samples Collapsed

Figure 14: Two Additional Impervious Subclasses

Figure 15: Four Pervious Subclasses

Figure 16: Training Samples Drawn

Figure 17: Training Samples Collapsed

Figure 18: Classification Method

Figure 19: Preview of Classification

Figure 20: Subclasses Merged with Parent Classes

Figure 21: Swipe Tool Used

Figure 22: Muddy Pond Area Error

Figure 23: Remap Classes Settings

Figure 24: Polygon Drawn

Figure 25: Reclassification to Pervious Surface

Figure 26: Reclassified Raster

Figure 27: Final Map

Volumetric Analysis with UAS Data

Below are the figures from Lab #7: Volumetric Analysis with UAS Data:

Figure 1: Flowchart

Figure 2: Cameras Off, Triangle Meshes On

Figure 3: Volumes Tab Selected

Figure 4: Create Volume

Figure 5: Area of Interest

Figure 6: Volume Selection Instructions

 Figure 7: Selected Area

Figure 8: Highlighted and Compute

Figure 9: Computed Volume

Figure 10: Volume Settings

Figure 11: Volume 1 - Triangulated

Figure 12: Volume 2 - Fit Plane

Figure 13: Volume 3 - Align with Average Altitude

Figure 14: Volume 4 - Align with Lowest Point

Figure 15: Volume 5 - Align with Highest Point

Figure 16: Volume 6 - Custom Altitude

Figure 17: Volumes of Different Methods

Figure 18: DSM

 Figure 19: Create Feature Class

Figure 20: Create Feature Class Page 1

Figure 21: Text Field Added

Figure 22: Spatial Reference

Figure 23: Clip 1 in Database

Figure 24: Create Button

Figure 25: Create Features

Figure 26: Black Outline Selected

Figure 26: Symbology Change

Figure 27: Clip 1 - Selected Area

Figure 28: Extract Searched

Figure 29: Output Raster File Saved

Figure 30: Extract File

Figure 31: Pile 1 Clipped

Figure 32: Surface Volume Searched

Figure 33: Surface Plane 1

Figure 34: Surface Plane 2

Figure 35: Calculating Average Plane Height

Figure 36: Standalone Table

Figure 37: Volume Opened 

Figure 38: Table View

Figure 39: Table of Volumes Calculated

Figure 40: Final Map of Part 1

Figure 41: Opening DSMs

Figure 42: DSMs Opened

 Figure 43: DSM Data Source

Figure 44: Raster Variation 1

Figure 45: Raster Variation 2

Figure 46: Resample Searched

Figure 47: Resample

Figure 48: Resample Output

Figure 49: Resample Settings

Figure 50: Resampled Layers

Figure 51: Main Pile Clipped

Figure 52: Extract by Mask - 1st Flight

Figure 53: Extract by Mask - 2nd Flight

Figure 54: Extracted Area with Overall Area

Figure 55: Flight Layers Extracted

Figure 56: First Flight (7/22) DSM
Figure 57: Second Flight (8/27) DSM
Figure 58: Third Flight (9/30) DSM

Figure 59: Hillshade of Flight One

Figure 60: Calculating Surface Volume

Figure 61: Average Plane Heights Calculated

Figure 62: Standalone Tables for Part 2

Figure 63: Volume for First Flight (7/22)

Figure 64: Volume for Second Flight (8/27)

Figure 65: Volume for Third Flight (9/30)

Figure 66: Volumes of All 3 Flights

Figure 67: Cut-Fill Searched


Figure 68: Cut Fill Inputs and Outputs

Figure 69: Cut Fill Output

Figure 70: Final Map for Part 2

Processing Data in Pix4D with GCPs

Below are the figures from Lab #6: Processing Data in Pix4D with GCPs:

Figure 1: Example of Pictures Taken

 Figure 2: File Management

Figure 3: Quality Report

Figure 4: Completed Processing

Figure 5: GCP/MTP Manager

Figure 6: Import Ground Control Points

Figure 7: Imported GCPs

Figure 8: GCPs on Map

Figure 9: RayCloud with GCPs

Figure 10: View of GCPs Before Adjustment

Figure 11: Error with GCP

Figure 12: Adjusting GCP

Figure 13: Adjustment of GCPs

Figure 14: Reoptimization Complete

Figure 15: Quality Report with GCPs

Figure 16: Processing Time without GCPs

Figure 17: Processing Time with GCPs

Figure 18: Point Cloud with Adjusted GCPs

Figure 19: Massaged Data

Figure 20: Adding in GCPs

Figure 21: GCPs Added In

Figure 22: Final Map

Getting Started with Living Atlas

Below are the figures from Lab #5: Getting Started with Living Atlas:

Figure 1: Learn ArcGIS

Figure 2: Example 1

Figure 3: Example 2

Figure 4: Example 3

Figure 5: Example 4

Figure 6: Example 5

Figure 7: Get Started with ArcGIS Living Atlas of World

Figure 9: Environment Selection

Figure 10: GLDAS Soil Moisture 2000 – Present

Figure 11: Soil Moisture in Map Viewer
Figure 12: Legend of Soil Moisture

Figure 13: Exploring the Soil Moisture

Figure 14: Water Balance App

Figure 15: Location of Grand Ethiopia Renaissance Dam

Figure 16: Water Balance Chart of Ethiopia

Figure 17: Water Balance Chart of Nile Delta

Figure 18: Further Exploration with another Chart

Figure 19: Precipitation of Africa

Figure 20: ArcGIS Online

Figure 21: Creation of a Map

Figure 22: Living Atlas Pane

Figure 23: USA NLCD Land

Figure 24: Overview of Las Vegas, Nevada

Figure 25: Time Slider

Figure 26: Las Vegas - 2005 vs. 2006

Figure 27: Comparison of East Coast Cities

Figure 28: Legend of Classes

Figure 29: East Coast Cities with Cyan to Purple Color Ramp

Figure 30: Saving the Map

Figure 31: Population of DFW with Heat Map

Figure 32: Per Capita Income of DFW in 2019

Figure 33: Scale of the Per Capita Income of 2019

Figure 34: Democratic Party Affiliation of DFW

Figure 35: Republican Party Affiliation

Figure 36: Democratic Party Affiliation of DFW with HM
Figure 37: Republican Party Affiliation with HM

Figure 38: Final Map

Figure 39: Final Map with Heat Map

Processing Data in Pix4D (No GCPs)

Below are the figures from Lab #4: Processing Data in Pix4D (No GCPs):

Figure 1: Example of Pictures Taken

Figure 2: Summary of Quality Report after Initial Processing

Figure 3: Quality Check

Figure 4: Completed Processing

Figure 5: Point Clouds with Cameras

Figure 6: Point Clouds without Cameras

Figure 7: 3D Model

Figure 8: Pix4D Folder Organization
Figure 9: Processing Times

Video 1: Overview

Video 2: Overview 2
Video 3: Detailed View
Figure 10: Overview of Processed Area

Figure 11: Comparison of Area
Figure 12: DSM of Processed Area

Figure 13: Comparison of DSMs
Figure 14: Orthomosaic and DSM of Wolf Creek Map

Figure 15: Comparison of DSM Map

Building Maps with UAS Data

Below are the figures from Lab #3: Building Maps with UAS Data:

Figure 1: Metadata of Wolf Creek

Figure 2: DSM of Wolf Creek

Figure 3: Orthomosaic of Wolf Creek

Figure 4: Traditional Hillshade of Wolf Creek

Figure 5: Multi-Directional Hillshade of Wolf Creek

Figure 6: Slope of Wolf Creek

Figure 7: Slope Legend of Wolf Creek

Figure 8: Slope over DSM of Wolf Creek

Figure 9: Slope over DSM with Histogram of Wolf Creek

Figure 10: Slope over DSM with Histogram of Wolf Creek

Figure 11: Final Map of Wolf Creek

Getting to Know ArcGIS Pro

Below are the figures from Lab #2: Getting to Know ArcGIS Pro:

Figure 1: Basemap with the 3 Layers

Figure 2: Road Network

Figure 3: Official Roads vs. Unofficial Roads

Figure 4: Exploring Deforestation

Figure 5: Image of Proposed Road

Figure 6: Digitized Proposed Road

Figure 7: Potential Deforestation

Figure 8: Subtracting Deforestation

Figure 9: Expression of Potential Deforestation

Figure 10: Adjusting the Map for Print out

Figure 11: Final Presentation


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